As some of you may have realised Wikis are now known as Fandoms. With this being the case, they have now started the process of migrating all the Wikis to the New Fandom web address. Our Wiki/Fandom has now been migrated and it happened seamlessly in the last fortnight.
This process encouraged Cbrad on this Fandom to check out the Fandom App. As he couldn't find our Fandom on the App platform, he enquired about this a few days ago. I had followed this up and it transpired that Fandoms have to meet a range of criteria before they can be put on the Fandom App. We were not meeting these criteria in three areas, these being Discussions feature not being enabled, lack of content on a Mobile Main Page and the weekly volume of traffic to the Fandom.
I have made progress with the first two of these issues and although we currently enjoy a weekly footfall/site views of between 8-10 K, it was insufficient for Fandom staff to consider our application currently. On seeking further clarity in this area, I was advised they are presently only considering Fandoms with traffic of 100 K and above. But all is not lost as they will look favourably at Fandoms that meet all other criteria once they automate the task of Fandom upload to App platform. Currently, there is a degree of manual effort required.
My purpose of writing to you on here is to seek some informed views from you. The Mobile Main Page (MMP) is a curated slimmed down version of the fully blown Fandom site. So the content is the same but the breath of content topics is limited. Therefore, I would like to know what content on this Fandom is most important to you, what areas of information do you regularly or most often look up?
Please list up to top 10 of your key searches in priority order, most important down to the least important. Once I have a fair amount of your responses, I will adjust the content that I am populating the MMP with. I am also seeking the views of the Crazy Kings Facebook Group community as well.
So for example;
Tournament Strategies
As regards Discussions, this is a feature introduced a while back but it has now started to gain more prominence. It was effectively designed to replace the Forums feature on the Fandom. I am preparing an article to explain the Discussions feature and how it works. I hope to publish this in next few days. This feature has now been introduced on our Fandom as of yesterday (Wednesday 6 February). This will run in tandem with Forums for the near future. Eventually, the Forums contents will be transferred over to Discussions. Beauty of Discussions is it allows users to converse over and across different devices, platforms and operating systems. Something that Forums is unable to do.
So please participate in this exercise and let me know your prioritised list of CK Fandom search visits by replying below.